- C:\Program Files\theworld 2.0\theworld.exe
- C:\Program Files\theworld 3\theworld.exe
Security Rating: Safe
However, if the file 'theworld.exe' runs from %WinDir% or %Temp% then there is a great chance that it's actually malware posing as legit program. Across all our reports the file theworld.exe has sometimes been a threat. So, if you didn't install TheWorld Browser but the process is running, your computer is probably infected with malicious software. It could be Trojan-Dropper, Generic.PWStealer or similar infection. In such case, you should scan your computer with anti-malware software.
- %System%\theworld.exe
- %Temp%\theworld.exe
Security Rating: Dangerous
%System% is a variable that refers to the Windows folder in the short path form.
- C:\Windows\system32\
- C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\Local Settings\Temp\ (Windows 2000/NT/XP)
- C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\Temp\ (Windows 7)
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